If you haven't seen the video of the two CNBC reporters getting a hard on over David Tepper's market note "Exclusive" (ya right) then please do for a good laugh first. http://video.cnbc.com/gallery/?video=3000154181
I've seen this world before. The players, the news, the rumors of news. I always think ahead and then sometimes I get glimpses into the future. I don't know if by publicly releasing them, whether it can alter reality but I believe it probably can. But the beauty about now is that I am an undiscovered speculator who only reaches a limited audience at this very moment. But as time passes I make believers out of those who have eyes to witness and ears to listen. I wrote this blog post to point out something that the masses may never realize because they are too busy getting hammered on alcohol and conforming to society and following our hearts just because it says to in a song!! I don't care what you say, I only care why you say it! You understand me? Well if you don't then let me talk to you about a person and a story.
For many of you that don't know David Tepper, he is a hedge fund manager whose had some stellar returns over the past 5 years. He's made billions of dollars via the stock market on some bets that solely relied on the written promises of the FEDERAL RESERVE to buy Bank of America, and Citigroup at fixed higher prices in a 2009 note. (here's an article explaining it, http://www.opalesque.com/files/BloombergRichestHedgeFunds.pdf ) Pretty impressive when read independently of some further research. Delve deeper into this guys history and it becomes clear that he is a tipping point in his career. David Tepper does not take losses and when he does its being born outright from an all or nothing bet that turns out to be worth ZERO DOLLARS IN THE END. Think about what he does regardless of his success. He bets huge into just about everything he does and keeps a lot of cash on the sidelines in case prices move against him and dollar cost averages until prices rises past his dollar cost average price. This is the exact opposite of responsible investing but in his case he has either dodged landmines, is a super genius, or plays dirty and knows how to get inside information on companies i.e his washington mutual, citigroup, bank of america, and AIG bets that all worked out. ( That is a WOWOWOWOWOW unto itself. How did you dodge, land, catch, throwback, duck, and then rocket ship away with your flawless bets. So you managed to dodge Bear Sterns, Lehman Brothers, IndyMac, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and thousands of other little banks who were shut down. WOWZAAAA you are the most amazing long investor in the WORLD or you know someone who knows someone, if you know what I mean??!!!)
But that was not so in 1998 when the Russian Government surprisingly defaulted on their debt, but Tepper did the unconventional and even though was down 30% just kept buying more on the way down until they recovered and he made 160% from his dollar cost average price. This was the essence of what I think Jesse Livermore or Richard Wyckoff had once said about dollar cost averaging and how you shouldn't do it unless you have the deep pockets of JP Morgan.
David Tepper was shorting the Nasdaq about 30% below its top. If it wasn't for shareholder breathing down his neck some speculate it would have been one of his most successful legendary trades. That can mean only two things to me. That he was balls to the wall short, and given the unfamiliarity of the shorting nature, he could pretend in his mind that he would have stayed short but knowing his track record of stopping out near 20 - 30% frequently he would of very well been scared out that position given the fact that stocks can rise indefinitely. But all in all between 2004 - 2009 his fund had sat at $5 billion and he made next to nothing for 5 years. So to sum it up logically, that means that during 2006 - 2007's huge bullmarket he made zero dollars. I believe it was because he was looking for deep discounts reminiscent of 2001 and 2003. He couldn't find them so he pretty much got chopped up in the stock market. Then he lost money in 2008 and then went all in the stock market 2009. Now he is playing the stock market pretty aggressively and I believe he is coming to the end of the road where he is about to experience a losing cycle or he has an inhouse oracle who explained this to him already and he is completley bluffing the media on that recent "EXTREMELY BULLISH" call on CNBC the other day which makes me think it was a planted story. He may be ahead of all of you and that story was to get you indecisive suckers in or we could be in the midst of a Tepper moment where he is about to get clobbered. This is a rough timeline of Appaloosa's moves throughout the life of the fund. (http://www.hedgefundletters.com/category/appaloosa/ )
Who is this Palomino fund inside the Appaloosa fund and how do they make money... http://www.princehenrygroup.com/PalominoApril2011Deck.pdf this perfectly tells you that this fund doesn't seem to make it's money from the stock market and does some voodoo mortgage magic to keep having these year over year stellar returns. But who cares, they are not doing it from the stock market so their formula is kept behind 10k's. Ok so CNBC says they are up 6.4% for the year . In their prospectus they say they are agnostic to market swings which must mean they are using fixed FEDERAL RESERVE money that is lent to them at .05% and they loan it out at 4% and greater. Aghhh isn't it great to be one of the money master insider connects that have access to cheap easy money from the Federal Reserve? But don't worry folks, the money they are printing is not your future tax dollars or anything. And don't worry when we collapse from a deflationary spiral, then inflate to the high heavens because every country cuts us off and interest rates rise here through the roof, we will all be ok. Vanilla ice cream cones and rainbow sprinkles will be the theme and those that are perma bull field gazers will feel the butt raping and those that are awake to the truth will sidestep this market and run to the safety of physical gold, guns, and passports. So in a nutshell is DAVID TEPPER a great stock trader or investor? Ummmm I guess the future will tell when we learn that history repeats itself and those that go all in eventually lose all that is in.! Maybe he is so f*ckn risky and deranged that because he went all in, this guy is seriously on a high that we may all never understand right now, but I will promise you all 1 thing, Appaloosa is about to get a serious negative quarter that could send their year to date of returns well in the negative before 2013 is over. I will give you one video that gave it away to me and made me realize this guy has no idea what the stock market is and he takes the mean reversion trade every time. He is going to get caught bad and he is going to feel a serious drawdown panic. (For those that don't know what a mean reversion trade is, its when a stock rises too much or falls too much and you are betting that it will go back to the average trade price or at-least close to it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5yP4cpU32w This guy only makes money in up markets and he admits how 2011 was about to be a horrible year for them if they hadn't pared down positions which is odd given the market ended neutral on the year. I am telling you guys, this guy DAVID TEPPER is a PERMABULL who is about to get crushed if and when 2013 ends on a down note. +++++
There is an anomaly in David's life that he has succeeded through, but longer term trends in his management of money lead me to believe that this same anomaly is about to come again and this time he will be fully exposed. His fund already has the tracks of history behind it. He only does well in up markets and his exposure gets larger. The day of reckoning is coming and we've all heard that the bigger they are, the harder they fall, you will all know what that means. I imagine because of his historical track record of wanting to bet against rises, I imagine that when the commodity boom of 2017 begins he will try to short that. And he will blow up and that will be the end.
Here is an update on some positions and tweets.......
This is what I did in the last week of MAY as this is a review for those who may not be able to watch me as closely on twitter all day and need a summation of my activities. Everything is timestamped for your convenience.
I sold my Blackberry $BBRY position at $14.50's and many are wondering why. Well the reason is simple and its that volume in the stock is indicative that the people in higher places know that this launch and sale of this new stupid phone is a fail. The reason why its so hard for the masses to predict whether this phone is going to be a success or not is because the phone is selling all over the world and its too hard to tell what the numbers are going to come in as when your field of research is the world and every single store that sells the phone. This is when knowing how to read a stock chart with over 15 years experience comes in handy. The worlds pulse is in this chart, its the all knowing , ever knowing! WIZARDRY MY FRIENDS.
I'm not shorting $LOTE yet and I think this has a chance to set back up and go towards the $40's as a possibility. If this happens to fall off crash and burn, then I guess I won't be there for the ride. I need to see the volume confirm the down move or in my mind this is a completely manipulated walk down if the price moves lower day by day without any real volume to justify it.
And as we predicted in our last 2 blog posts about how $TSLA was going to be a long through the $96 and hit $115 exactly! Well well, we hit 114.90 so far and we are currently trading at $97 as we took a short at $107 as TIMESTAMPED
but always keep in mind that if volume stays heavy and $TSLA bases that this could come back up to to try and go for the high $120's touch. Always have extra powder incase $TSLA decides to make a surprise move to the high $120's giving that one last gap affect. This stock is in a very critical moment as our $107 short is showing a $10 profit so far and we have the greatest chance of a panic attack huge volume down day sending this down 15 points or more in 1 day! REMEMBER what I SAID!
I promised everyone the other day on twitter a predictive chart of what I think is going to happen to $NFLX going forward as our short at $236 was spot on to the exact day, just like our MARKET CRASH CALL last week to the exact day!
Here is a before chart of $NFLX
and here is after
I also believe our Orbitz Worldwide $OWW is topping out here and it's best to sell out any remaining long positions and consider a short and as always have extra powder dry for any moves against you. Shorting is not like going long.
I also purchased $DDD 3D Systems Corp. a couple of day ago and believe these 3D stocks are nearing blow off moves like the dry shippers of 2007. $DRYS and $GNK
These are my remaining tweets on MAY 30th when I got short $TSLA
$TSLA conspired with $GS to pay back government loan and allow this run up to happen. http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/business/2013/05/28/tesla-pays-back-u-s--loan-nine-years-early.html
The fact that you have to charge your car is proof in of itself that the car is useless. Useless because the people who can afford them don't actually need them hence their use is less. Do you understand the paradox of how stupid the hype is about this company. The Tesla is a driving LAPTOP! Nothing revolutionary has been accomplished here because electricity hasn't progressed. The TESLA driving is stupid because the car has ZERO MOMENTUM! Isn't that paradoxical since TESLA STOCK had so much MOMENTUM! Stock market is a weird creature and I hope you can understand. Do you understand what I mean when I say the car has No Momentum!? In a regular car if you let your foot off the gas your car will continue to move and decelerate slowly giving your car a better return on MPG. In the TESLA its the exact opposite. This car will slow its self down like a Fisher-Price Power Wheel! Remember those? So what this means is that this car does not get 300 miles to the charge. You will be lucky to get 225 at best and most of the time 200 and below. Just look at your cellphone or laptop and see how your battery is degenerative. So what does this mean? that the car will get 150 miles to the charge after about 5 years at most. This car is sad and appeals to the rich liberal idiots at most. Anyone with a brain knows this car is a crack joke and a toy.
Life Partners Holdings, Inc. $LPHI
This stock has very light volume so I want you to tread carefully but the setup here is explosive.
$AXDX triggered its buy point from our previous blog post. The stock is up only about .10 or .20 from our initial buy entry and we think this could go to $12 . But to seriously get a break out buy this needs to break $9 and then we could see it soaring. Always keep a stop on the stocks and keep an eye on them. Never put a physical stop loss in. Market makers will fill your order just to screw you.
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